research and development
Research and development
Distributed centralized management platform

The distributed centralized management platform achieves centralized management of multiple equipment such as wire drawing machines, winding machines, and unloading robots through communication with a single PLC. It completes equipment status management, process parameter management, real-time data monitoring, team production capacity statistics, maintenance management, and achieves browsing and querying on the Web and mobile end.

Adopting a B/S architecture, it has the advantages of cross platform, easy installation, and high flexibility. It can be accessed with just one browser, achieving a dynamic user interface and interactive effects, and providing a better user experience;

Adopting front and rear end separation for research and development. The front-end uses mainstream framework technologies such as Vue3 and Ant Design UI, with a user-friendly interactive interface. The backend is implemented using mainstream framework technologies such as SpringBoot, SpringMVC, MyBatis Plus Sa Token, etc;

Accurate and efficient data processing is achieved through three types of database middleware: MySQL and RediSs TDEngine. MySQL and Redis store system business data, while TDEngine temporal databases manage device data to ensure system response speed and throughput with large amounts of data. They also have data redundancy and fault recovery mechanisms to ensure data reliability and persistence.